Today on Highlight Reel we have hot rides, dead bards, spawn glitches and much more! Watch the video then talk about your favorite highlight in the comments below. Be sure to check out, like, and share the original videos via the links below. Subscribe to Kotaku on YouTube for more! Catch up on all the episodes on the Highlight Reel Youtube playlist! Assassin’s Creed Origins - the mystery of the flaming camel - (direct file) ChokeOnItGlobal Skyrim - Ragnar The Red - Mr.Slaughterfish Far Cry: New Dawn - that was easy - (direct file) Keithernet Titanfall 2 - Living the EPG dream - ibagspitfires Battlefield V - Parachuting Throwing Knife Headshot. - Skullhammer98 Rise of the Tomb Raider - Lara is good at bouncing back from her falls - theluckcharm Metro: Exodus - Is this allowed? - holdiniful Star Wars: Battlefront II - Viktor2905 Star Wars: Battlefront II - KnightDrive Apex Legends - Respawn Glitch - Mr. S Gaming Apex Legends - being creative with Lifeline’s shields - Adeel S Apex Legends - 200 IQ Wraith - SlickyBobby1 Apex Legends - Care package deflect - E-Slop Apex Legends - Who’s Ready to Fly on a Zip line? I am! - bprice528 Apex Legends - so I learned something today - AHugeBagOfSalt Apex Legends -They say real men use iron sights. We use smoke launchers. - PSN: ONialdoO Apex Legends - 6 kills in 12 seconds - Lokeryy Mafia 3 - misplaced sink - (direct file) CorVus Highlight Reel is Kotaku’s regular roundup of great plays, stunts, records and other great moments from around the gaming world. If you record an amazing feat while playing a game (here’s how to record a clip), send it to us with a message confirming that the clip is yours at Or, if you see a great clip around that isn’t yours, encourage that person to send it in!