Prison School, which follows five boys who enter an insanely strict, former all-girls school, is getting a live-action TV show. If you’ve seen the anime or read the manga, you know where this is going.
If not, well, the show’s trailer (below) should bring you up to speed pretty quick!
Prison School’s protagonist is a student named Kiyoshi Fujino, one of five boys enrolled in the school. Outnumbered over 200 to 1, the boys expected their school life to be a harem heaven.
But, as previously posted, they soon discover the existence of a secret student council that incarcerates the boys in the school’s prison after they try to peep in the girls’ shower. The manga and anime are pretty wacky! And that, along with sadomasochism, are what the TV show appears to be aiming for.
Prison School begins airing this October in Japan.
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