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Rainbow Six Siege Change Will Punish Griefers By Making Bullets Hurt The People Firing Them

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There are few things more infuriating than getting popped by a teammate in a multiplayer first-person shooter. Rainbow Six Siege’s solution? The digital equivalent of making team killers smack themselves with their own hands and telling them to “stop hitting yourself.”

Rainbow Six’s new “reverse friendly fire” feature is intended to address toxicity by making poor sports hurt themselves. When a player damages an ally or the hostage, they’ll get a warning message. If they go on to shoot or otherwise harm a teammate to death, the karma-loving trickster gods in Siege’s machine will activate reverse friendly fire mode. This means that all future damage by that teammate to allies or the in-game hostage they’re trying to rescue boomerangs back around and hits them.

The feature launched today on Siege’s test server. There’s no date for when it’ll be added to the live game.


Sometimes even team kills are accidents, so the player who’s been killed will, upon death, have a chance to review what happened and confirm whether or not they felt it was intentional. If it was, reverse friendly fire mode sticks. If not, it’s immediately deactivated.

That’s not necessarily the end of it. Ubisoft said that if, even with reverse friendly fire mode in the game and activated, you continue to be the worst kind of person, there may be further consequences: “We will continue to track team kills, and we may issue appropriate sanctions after multiple offenses.”