Today on Highlight Reel we have parachutes, 1 player comebacks, rocket vespas, game physics gone wrong, and much more!
Watch the video above or on our Youtube page, then talk about your favorite highlight in the comments below. Be sure to check out, like, and share the original videos via the links below.
- Battlefield 4 - Revenge Sniper - MinTexas
- Battlefield 4 - Medkit is OP - Rogue Freeman
- Just Cause 3 - Rocket Vespa - andreutas
- Just Cause 3 - Propane Tank Jetpack - General Jackass
- Fallout 4 - Paul just doesn’t care - [CS] Baeger
- AC Syndicate - Flying like a ridiculous eagle - DomBobomb
- Destiny - Never Give Up: 1 Vs. 6 Rift Score - SixTrez
- Dying Light - upper body strength - Taylor Jorgenson
- Mad Max - Witness This! - Tom Coppen
- MGO - CQC Suicide - Rômulo Siqueira Santos
- COD: BO3 - QUINT FEED RIPPER & 2X R.A.P.S -Maze Gilliam
- COD: BO3 - I like hamburgers and shotguns - Austin Phillips
- R6 Siege - Hammer Kill - Coolio13
- R6 Siege - Awesome c4 kill R6 Siege - quentin correggi
- R6 Siege - And to think I thought we had lost… - InfiniteBananaTheorem
- ARK: Survival Evolved -Bronto Rag Doll Physics - Felcri
- GTA V - The best way to kill a bounty - PUNK ROCKERZ
- GTA V - Textbook Parachute Landing - NoFX_Caz [PSCO] - cazzzzzzzz2006
- GTA V - Cargobob vs. Hydra - GearsofHaloWarfare
Highlight Reel is Kotaku’s regular roundup of great plays, stunts, records and other great moments from around the gaming world. If you record an amazing feat while playing a game, send it to us (with a message confirming that it’s yours!) at