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12 Of The Most Expensive PS4 Games With Eye-Popping Prices

12 Of The Most Expensive PS4 Games With Eye-Popping Prices

Rare, collectible, and pricey, these are some of the most expensive PS4 games out there

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A PS4 is surrounded by tons of money.
Image: charnsitr / MVelishchuk / Kotaku (Shutterstock)

As the PS4’s generation fades further and further in our rearview mirror, the prices of various games, particularly collector’s editions, are climbing ever higher. And with some of the prices out there, it might be worth perusing your collection if you’re looking to make some cash…or maybe you’ll want to hold on to some others to increase their value.


Whether you’re into collecting, reselling, or just enjoy checking out lists of radically expensive games, we’ve put together a list of 12 of the most expensive PS4 games out there right now. Many of these are sought after collector’s editions, while a few are standalone games.

Read More: The 23 Best PlayStation 2 Games

Some of these games might even be more affordable than you’d think. We’ve included a couple that, while not terribly expensive on their own, are starting to fetch rather high prices compared to their original list price. Others, however, are demanding quadruple or (in one case) quintuple digits.

And while we have some impressive games on this list, it’s clear that we’ve only scratched the surface of rising rare and pricey PS4 and other gen eight console games, so you can bet we’ll be following up with more collections of pricey games. Let’s get started.

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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Collector’s Edition

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Collector’s Edition

Promotional art for The Witcher 3 Collector's Edition shows a figure of Geralt slaying a griffin.
You’ll need to score one hell of a bounty to get one of these today.
Image: CD Proket Red

The Witcher series of games didn’t achieve much attention until the third entry arrived and became the smash-hit, modern classic of an open-world RPG we know today. With a sweeping fantasy narrative, endearing characters, and substantive sidequests, it’s hard not to fall in love with The Witcher 3. And like many epic RPGs, The Witcher 3 had a fancy collector’s edition with some Gwent cards, a medallion, and a big ‘ol statue of protagonist Geralt about to slaughter a griffin.


Available for $200 USD on launch, prices have only gone up since then. You can find the statue alone for more than the price of the whole edition, while open versions are easily two or three times the original price. Sealed versions though? They’re trending toward the quadruple digits, with at least one current listing sitting at a Buy It Now on eBay for a cool $1,300.

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Resident Evil 7 Biohazard - Collector’s Edition

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard - Collector’s Edition

Promotional art for Resident Evil 7's collector's edition shows as model house, a USB finger, VHS, and artwork.
Image: Capcom

This Gamestop-exclusive haunted house for ants comes with a terrifying price tag these days. A stellar and scary return to form for the series with a first-person perspective and terrifying foes tucked away into the corners of a creepy mansion, RE7’s collector’s edition comes with a model of a mansion that doubles as a music box, and a USB drive shaped like a mannequin’s finger along with a VHS-shaped case to store it. There’s also a bloody note replica and lithograph.


Read More: The Scariest Resident Evil Games, Ranked From Worst to Best

While it originally sold for what seems like a modest $180, right now prices are through the roof. Complete-in-box sets hover around or exceed a grand.

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Resident Evil 3 - Collector’s Edition

Resident Evil 3 - Collector’s Edition

Promotional art for the collector's edition of Resident Evil 3 shows a Jill Valentine figure and collectible art.
Image: Capcom

Following the successful Resident Evil 2 remake in 2019, Capcom continued down the remake train with Resident Evil 3. While it doesn’t totally adhere to all of the original 1999 version’s features, it’s a tightly-paced action horror game that pits Jill Valentine up against a city of zombies and a mega monster with a limited vocabulary named Nemesis. A collector’s edition with a Jill Valentine figure, digital soundtrack, artbook, and map of Raccoon City sold for $179 on launch in 2020.


Read More: The Best and Worst Parts of Every Resident Evil Game

These days? You’re lookin’ at spending around twice as much to start. And you can damn near quadruple the original amount if you want something sealed or in impeccable condition.

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Rock Band 4 - Band-in-a-Box Bundle

Rock Band 4 - Band-in-a-Box Bundle

Promotional image for Rock Band 4 shows a guitar and drum controller for the game.
Image: Harmonix Music Systems

Rock Band and games like it might not have been the wild phenomenon for PS4 that they were for the PS3 and Xbox 360, but the Band-in-a-Box bundle can easily sell these days for around double, if not more, the original cost of $249. A popular rhythm game series, Rock Band was notable for its focus on ensemble performances featuring contemporary music from a wide variety of bands. The Band-in-a-Box bundle came with a drum kit and guitar (wow, way to give the finger to bassists, Harmonix), and you could snag a copy for $249 back in 2015.


Also, apparently there’s a Jazzmaster variant for Xbox (yeah, yeah, I know it’s billed as a Jaguar, but the Jazzmaster came first and is an infinitely better guitar. Sorry, Leo), and now I’m back to scrolling Reverb looking for a Jazzmaster…because apparently I need more guitars.

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Gravity Rush Remastered (Base and Collector’s Edition)

Gravity Rush Remastered (Base and Collector’s Edition)

Protagonist Kat falls next to a logo for Gravity Rush.
Gravity’s sure working in reverse on this remastered PS cult-hit.
Image: Japan Studio

Originally a highlight of the PS Vita in 2012, Gravity Rush was ported over to the PS4 ahead of its sequel as a remaster in 2015. An action game that lets you mess with gravity to reach new locations and walk across ceilings, it’s become somewhat of a cult hit. While it’s not a terribly expensive game compared to other aging titles on the PS4, Gravity Rush Remastered’s rarity is pushing it to sell for more than double its OG price of 30 bucks.


Read More: The 12 Best Games For The PlayStation Vita

Prices are at least 60 to 70 bucks on average for base physical copies, though it’s not uncommon for it to crack $100 if it’s sealed. There are only so many of these in existence and they’re likely to only get rarer and more expensive. There’s also a very rare collector’s edition with a figure of protagonist Kat that easily exceeds the original price by hundreds of dollars.

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Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Juggernog Edition

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Juggernog Edition

Promotional art for the Call of Duty Black Ops III Juggernog edition shows a mini-fridge and collectables.
Image: Activision

Named after the Zombies-mode perk in Call of Duty, the Juggernog Edition came with a very real mini-fridge, along with a steelbook case, and some patches to slap on your jacket and indisputably become the coolest kid in school. Originally selling for about 200 bucks, it’s certainly not the worst way to get a mini-fridge.


But if you’re lookin’ to keep your drinks cold, you might want to look elsewhere as the fridge alone is selling for around 700 bucks. And if you want the whole edition, game and everything? You will vocally be saying “lol” when looking at these frakinprices. Demanding a couple grand, that fridge better not keep me waiting on cooling my beer.

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Titanfall 2 - Collector’s Edition

Titanfall 2 - Collector’s Edition

Promotional art for Titanfall 2's collector's edition shows a pilot helmet and various collectibles.
Image: Respawn / Kotaku

Titanfall 2 undid the mistakes of its predecessor and included a single-player FPS campaign. With great pacing and dynamic gameplay that lets you hop in and out of your mech (Titans, as they’re called in world) Titanfall 2 is easily one of the best first-person shooter single player campaigns in the last decade.


Read More: The 15 Best Games For The PlayStation 4 In 2022

Titanfall 2’s collector’s edition got you a wearable helmet, flash light, laser pointer to do battle with cats, a flash drive, and that cool scarf protagonist Jack Cooper wears. Going for $250 at first, that might seem a little steep (wearable helmet tho…), but these days it’s not uncommon to see it fetch a minimum of 600 for a complete set, and likely higher for sealed editions.

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The cover of Godzilla is positioned between two giant monsters.
Image: Natsume-Atari / Kotaku

Another game that I remember seeing on a shelf at GameStop and am currently very unhappy that I didn’t just buy it then because, right now, it’s selling over $100 on average. Godzilla lets you take on the role of the King Monster themself and romp around destroying stuff while fighting other classic monsters from the legacy series of films.


Sealed copies of 2014’s Godzilla easily fetch more than $200, with some current listings reacing nearly $400. Compared to other rare and collectible games out there, it’s definitely on the lower side…but still, bet ya didn’t expect this random game to be fetching hundreds of dollars in 2023.

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Nier: Automata - Black Box Limited Collector’s Edition

Nier: Automata - Black Box Limited Collector’s Edition

Promotional art for Nier: Automata's Collector's Edition shows a figure of the protagonist and elegant packaging.
Image: Square Enix

Nier: Automata was easily one of the best action RPGs of the last generation. With tight gameplay, unexpected shifts in camera perspective, an explorable open world, and so, so many different endings, Nier: Automata is a game that many can’t stop coming back to. And, as you might expect, there was a neat collector’s edition of the game that sold exclusively on Square Enix’s store in 2017.


Get ready to spend a couple grand on this one. While Nier: Automata’s collector’s edition sold for under $200 in 2017…that is firmly not the case right now. Open boxes might be more reasonable, at around $400 to $500, but heaven help you if you’re in the market for a sealed version. Be ready to spend close to $2,000. It comes with an epic-as-hell box, art book, steelbook case for the game, and a figure of heroine 2B.

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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - Collector’s Edition

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - Collector’s Edition

Promotional art for Sekiro's collector's edition shows a figure of the protagonist as well as other collectibles.
Image: FromSoftware

After the finale of Dark Souls, FromSoftware brought us a faster yet still quite challenging action adventure game where players took on the role of Wolf in his quest for vengeance. Featuring fewer roleplaying systems than Dark Souls, Sekiro is notable for quicker combat and exploration, equipping the player with a grappling hook to zip around like a samurai Rico Rodriguez.


The collector’s edition of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice came with a shinobi statue, steelbook case, replica coins, and a map and sold for a mere $89. Now? You’re lucky if you can score one for under 200. For the most part, prices on eBay regularly hit $400 or $500, and often higher than that.

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BioShock 10th Anniversary - Collector’s Edition

BioShock 10th Anniversary - Collector’s Edition

A Big Daddy and light house are positioned on opposite sides of promotional artwork for Bioshock's 10th anniversary collector's edition.
Image: 2K Games / Kotaku

The politically fraught shooter series was perhaps most notable in its earlier days with BioShock and BioShock 2. The slower pace of gameplay allowed for some interesting opportunities with its varied pseudo-scientific magic powers and iconic foes like the Big Daddies. In 2017, a 10th anniversary edition arrived with the first two games and BioShock Infinite.


And for $200 bucks, you could get a figure of a Big Daddy accompanied by a creepy looking Little Sister. The drill was motorized and there were even some fancy LED lights. Today? Well, you’re looking at spending over $500 for just the statue. Complete? Expect to shell out over a grand for this.

And if you have ever unironically quoted the ending of Infinite, there should be a tax that triples whatever you’re willing to pay.

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Poop Slinger

Poop Slinger

An in-game screenshot for Poop Slinger shows selectable weapons and attachments.

Look. I’ve no words. Right now prices on ebay are nearing $20,000. No that’s not a typo, on my end or the sellers. And no, this is not a collector’s edition with figures (thank god). This is just the game. According to that Metal Jesus guy, it sold less than 100 copies before it was taken out of print.


The game is, uh, as described. You sling poop at various people across different maps. You can apparently attach different modifications to your slinger. There’s even a zombies mode.

Really, I have nothing else to say on this.

Sometimes it feels like the PS4 era was only yesterday, especially when you consider how hard it was to get a PS5 in the early days. And since the PS5, unlike PS4, features healthier backwards compatibility, many of these games are still playable on current, better hardware. That said, if you have any of these games and wish to retain their value, it might be best to secure a second copy for playing.
