Say what you will about the performance issues with Pokémon Scarlet and Violet (PSV), it can’t take away from some of the Pokédex entries. While it’s so easy to just glaze straight past the in-game descriptions as you send another new Pokémon’s book spinning to the virtual shelf, it’s often worth pausing to take a look, because within them are some gems. We’ve compiled some of our favorite entries, which is to say, the most messed up ones.
It’s worth knowing that those Pokédex entries change based on which version of the game you’re playing, which is typical for the series. Sometimes one version will offer quite a plain description, while the other goes to a weirdly dark place; other times, both get damned creepy. We can only imagine the job of writing out entries for 400 different Pokémon, let alone doing it all twice. It’s no wonder that sometimes the writers want to sneak in something...odd.
Here are our 15 favorites, in no discernible order.