Hey, wanna hear a ghost story? It’s short, just one act. Here you go: We’re already at Halloween season. I can tell this not by the seasonal weather (my weather app clocked a high of 73 F today) or pumpkin beer (there’s a shortage this year) but because Niantic recently unveiled the details of Pokémon Go’s annual Halloween event.
The Pokémon Go Halloween Mischief Event, slated to run from Friday, October 15 through the end of the month, is broken into two distinct phrases. The first, “Creepy Companions,” wraps up on October 22, at which point the second, “Ghoulish Pals,” begins. Each phase features different Pokémon you can run into via wild encounters or raids. During “Ghoulish Pals,” some of those Pokémon will be able to make use of a new size-change mechanic.
Here are all the Pokémon you can run into via wild encounters during the first phase: Zubat, Drowsy, Misdreavus, Gastly, Spinarak, Shuppet, Stunky, Woobat, Gothita, and Yamask. You can also run into “Halloween Mischief” versions of Pikachu and Piplup, which are basically the same versions of those Pokémon except with silly little hats. The five-star raid features an altered-form Giratina, while the mega raid features Mega Gengar.
The second phase, meanwhile, features Gastly, Murkrow, Misdreavus, Shuppet, Litwick, Yamask, Haunter, Purrloin, Phantump, and Pumpkaboo (who can show up in four sizes). Those silly-hat-wearing Pikachu and Piplup also appear. The five-star raid stars Darkrai. Mega Absol is the mega raid Pokémon.
During both phases, you can hatch Spinarak, Misdreavus, Litwick, and Shuppet from 7km eggs. Once Phantump is introduced in “Ghoulish Pals,” you’ll be able to hatch those, too.
Alongside all of this, you can nab Halloween-themed items for your avatar, including a Hoopa headband and a Pikachu pumpkin head that’s the stuff of nightmares. But the truly teeth-chattering factor here is the pace at which Pokémon Go is zipping through seasonal events, an undeniable mark of time’s ineffable flow. Scary stuff.