Last week, the personalities of Animal Crossing: New Horizon’s (seemingly) final eight villagers were revealed via Pocket Camp. Their Pocket Camp iterations also include their favorite sayings, catchphrases, and broad descriptions of the characters—which has given me enough information to perform a vibe check.
Each of these little guys firmly passes, especially Quinn, whose energy I desperately hope to embody.
Ione’s astrology-focused, “normal” personality resembles the kind of person who spends way too much time and money at crystal shops. I’m sure her witchy TikTok presence is totally excellent or deeply irritating depending on who you’re talking to. Luckily, she seems nice enough that, despite my light roasting, she will not curse me using her many pretty rocks.
Quinn’s favorite saying is, “Step on a violet and you’ll smell forgiveness,” which is both charming and pretentious—this conveys a lot about her whole deal. If you saw her in a used bookstore you’d probably be unsure if she was there for the aesthetics or if she was actually into the books. I’m going to give her the benefit of the doubt. Her impeccable, likely entirely thrifted style and her cool “big sister” personality make her a must-have villager for me, and anyone else with good taste.
Cephalobot is a “smug” villager who is nonetheless charming to me, robot octopus man. Sadly, his catchphrase in Pocket Camp is “donk donk” which loses him a few points in my book. he seems like a fine little man who may or may not be capable of vaporizing your other villagers with his piercing gaze (He almost certainly can’t, but remain vigilant).
There’s also Brando, who may or may not be a mob boss. I love this “cranky” little nerd. Even if he does actually run a crime syndicate, being obviously modeled after Marlon Brando is worthy of some playful bullying. His catchphrase is “gabeesh,” which I find deeply entertaining, and I cannot help but adore him. I hope his criminal enterprises serve him well.
If anything happens to Sasha, New Horizons resident “lazy” femboy, I will be despondent. When first revealed, his gender was heavily debated by the community with many assuming him to be a girl. I am glad to see that they were wrong and that this very particular kind of guy has been translated into the world of Animal Crossing.
Shino rules. Her fit is phenomenal, her vibes are immaculate, she just seems...nice. According to Pocket Camp, her favorite saying is, “Better the demon you know than the one you don’t,” which is surprisingly ominous—somehow more so than the traditional “devil you know,” version. If a “peppy” villager warns you about demons, please take her heed. Also, in my heart, she is very close with Quinn. They just seem like a good pair.
Petri is a “snooty” science mouse, who deserves a break but definitely won’t take one. Her catchphrase is “mmhmm,” which is objectively good. This conveys both active listening and exhaustion, which is a good combo. Her favorite saying is, “Our DNA is only the beginning of the story.” We love a non-biological determinist queen.
Tiansheng is a “jock” who seems based off of Sun Wukong from Journey to the West. He loves his little shoes. He’s a Leo. Overshadowing all of this is his catchphrase “wuwu,” which somehow manages to iterate upon (and make worse) the dreaded “uwu.” His favorite saying is “The world is more swole than you will ever fully know.” This almost causes me physical pain, which is why Tiansheng barely passes my personal vibe check. You’re on thin ice, buddy.
Personally, I think these eight little weirdos make for a great send-off to New Horizons. You can desperately hope to convince them to move to the shores of your islands on November 5 when the game’s final major update and DLC officially release.