In any other year this would be the time where we’d only just be ramping up our cosplay event coverage as we approached shows like Anime Expo and Comic Con, but in 2020, where everything is terrible, we are not. Instead, somehow, March’s PAX East is probably going to end up being the last show we feature on this site for a very long time.
Even when/if some restrictions on public places are lifted around the world later this year, that’ll be for smaller venues like restaurants, bars and stores. We’re not going to be seeing thousands of sweaty fans pressing shoulders in convention centres for a very long time.
During February 27 - March 1 2020, though, which was 19 years ago by my reckoning, PAX East was still held in Boston, and loads of people turned up and did their thing. So amidst all the sadness of cancelled shows and unworn costumes, maybe today we can look back one more time at a different world and enjoy some amazing cosplay.
Then look forward to the point, whenever it is, that we can get back to it.
This coverage was a joint effort between Dave Yang and Mineralblu.