After taking a breather from consuming video game hardware last week, Japanese gamers return to the electronics stores of their choosing, snapping up almost 160,000 new PSPs. That's substantially more than Famitsu estimated. The PSP-3000 model took Japan by storm, outselling every other platform combined. And multiplied by two. As good as Sony's fortunes were on the PSP front, PlayStation 3 sales continued to drop. Weekly PS3 sales sink to a Media Create chart all-time low, with less than 5,000 units sold. It's the only hardware platform to drop in sales this week, possibly due to the soon to be released 80 GB model, which arrives alongside a pair of LittleBigPlanet and Gran Turismo 5 Prologue Spec III bundles. • PSP - 159,816 • Nintendo DS - 29,839 • Wii - 26,024 • Xbox 360 - 7,856 • PlayStation 2 - 7,261 • PlayStation 3 - 4,725
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