After last week's tardy PlayStation Store blow-out, it would be hard to go anywhere but down in the content department. At least there's a sweet Metal Gear Solid 4 theme! If you a craving a bit more action, perhaps the Enemy Territory: Quake Wars demo will suffice. Hit the jump for the full list, with requisite Guitar Hero III and Rock Band music downloads rounding out a light-on-anything-but-trailers week.
Games and Demos
Syphon Filter 3 ($5.99)
Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars demo
Expansions and Add-Ons
Guitar Hero III "Isle of Wight Festival" Track Pack ($6.25) - "Shoot the Runner" by Kasabian, "Problems (Live at Brixton)" by The Sex Pistols and "I Predict a Riot" by Kaiser Chiefs
Army of Two: Veteran Map Pack (free)
Rock Band add-on tracks ($1.99 each) - "Girls Who Play Guitars" by Maximo Park, "Moving to Seattle" by The Material, "A Clean Shot" by The Myriad, and "Bullets & Guns" by Them Terribles.
Rock Band "MTV2 Pack" ($5.49) - "Moving to Seattle" by The Material, "A Clean Shot" by The Myriad, and "Bullets & Guns" by Them Terribles.
Game Videos
GameTrailers TV - Resistance 2 teaser
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots "Theatrical" trailer
Kung Fu Panda Launch trailer
Fatal Inertia EX Phoenix trailer
FIFA Interactive World Cup 2008 trailer
Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution Leader's Quotes trailer
Hail to the Chimp: Inshellitron trailer
Movie and Television Trailers
Hancock trailer
Wallpapers and Themes
PixelJunk Monsters wallpaper
Metal Gear Solid 4 theme