Six stately new screens for Zen Studio's Pinball FX 2 arrived this morning, along with info on how the sequel's scoring system will give players the choice to stand with their friends or against them.
Zen promised a more involved social experience in Pinball FX 2 for Xbox Live Arcade, and it all starts with the scoring system. There are two ways to rule the silver ball in Pinball FX 2. First you have the Superscore, which is the combination of your scores across all Pinball FX tables, raking you against the rest of the community.
Then there's the Wizard Score, which is your Superscore plus the Superscores of all of your friends. Joining together with other players will raise your rank on the Wizard Score ladder.
Going for the top Wizard Score instead of competing against your friends seems like the right path to take, but Zen teases some achievements for the game that will make that choice more difficult.
With the promise of scoring intrigue on the horizon, Rome seems like the most appropriate table to accompany the news. Should you praise your friends, or simply bury them? And if you say you are simply burying them, are you really secretly inciting the citizens of Rome to rise up against your friends' murderers? Maybe I'm analyzing this too deeply.
Pinball FX 2 comes out on October 13 as part of Microsoft's Xbox Live Arcade Game Feast.