Thought we were kidding when we said Peter Moore bleed neon green? Nope! After getting some strange Wii analogies, Moore's back to moan and groan about Sony's Home. Says the former Xbox employee:
Yeah, I just wish it [Home] would ship. I [previously] questioned it a little bit, whether I'd want to wander around there. Phil Harrison showed me a demo — it's very cool, but let's go already. And so I'm disappointed that it's been pushed back a little bit again. But I really hope it gets going and becomes that portal to the PlayStation Network and we can utilise it. But boy, I just wish we'd get going.
Yeah, totally Peter. It doesn't matter if it's not ready or undercooked. Consumers will deal with it! Stuff breaks, right?
Moore "Disappointed" [GamesIndustry] [Pic]