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PC Game Featured in NY Contemporary Art Show

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The New York Times has an interesting story up about the art of the computer generation.

In it they talk about the opening, next month, of the New Museum of Contemporary Art and how one of the exhibits there will be Flywrench, a sort of puzzle game meets art creation by Mark Essen.

The images in Flywrench are reminiscent of the grid-based canvases that brought the painter Peter Halley to attention in the 1980s. As Mr. Essen began scrolling through the game, each move seemed more treacherous than the next, a blend of art and brain teaser.

While New York has plenty of places to show off contemporary art, the people behind the New Museum argue that their exhibit is more about a generation than a style.

"They constitute the largest demographic since the baby boomers," said Massimiliano Gioni, director of special exhibitions at the New Museum, who organized the show with Laura Hoptman, the New Museum's senior curator, and Lauren Cornell, the museum's adjunct curator.

Mr. Gioni added: "Sociologists and marketing experts have already labeled this generation everything from the Millennials and Generation Y to iGeneration and Generation Me. In China 50 percent of the population is younger than 33. This generation of artists are the most important agents of change in this century."


It's Art of the Computer Generation (33 and Under, Please)