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Papier-Mache Wii Ends In Punches And Tears

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Over on Yahoo! Japan's popular "Bag Full Of Wisdom" advice site, one fellow writes in panic, asking for help. He needed a Nintendo Wii, and the one he made totally pissed off his girlfriend.

According to internet person exbywhxoda, his girlfriend wants a Nintendo Wii bad. "I really don't have any money," he writes, wondering what to do about not being able to buy a Wii.

Instead, he made one out of papier-mache. "I even made the controller," exbywhxoda writes. "If I must say so myself, I think I'm pretty good with my fingers." Unfortunately, no photos of said creation were posted online.


He took the Wii to his girlfriend, who went off on him, saying "Don't jerk me around!" She apparently smash his papier-mache Wii into pieces.


She then supposedly started punching him!

"I also made a controller," he added, causing his girlfriend to cry. They ended up fixing the machine.


"Because, I don't have any money, I won't buy the Wii," exbywhxoda writes. "What should I buy? Papier-mache has been banned!"

This plight is unconfirmed and could very well be bogus. If it's not, please somebody help exbywhxoda! Tears and punches are at stake.


exbywhxodaさん [Yahoo!知恵袋 Thanks Mrs. Bashcraft for the tip!]