Overwatch’s new map, Oasis, has cars and jump pads. You know what that means: the dreaded S-word. I speak, of course, of shenanigans.
Among other things, Oasis is populated by cars that can and will do what cars do: mercilessly plow through cartoon heroes. Overwatch players, who happen to overlap with the ten percent of the human population that won the “most likely to become a mischievous time wizard” award in high school, have decided to experiment on said cars. Here are the results.
First off, there are multiple ways to ride the cars. Reaper’s wraith form is probably the simplest, as demonstrated by muizcracklin:
But if you’re not a Reaper main (thank you), you have options. For instance, Widowmaker can also ride them... kinda. Check out this video by Radeyz:
If you want to get really crafty, though, Triangle discovered that Sombra can “ride” them all the way to another phase of the map:
Or you can just play oncoming-traffic-Frogger, as demonstrated by Zerozerito14:
Dodging cars, in fact, has become a game of its own. My favorite is AcidParadox’s variation on the idea:
And finally, JigDuff made a video of every Overwatch character getting hit by a car, because why not.
All of this will probably be patched out before Oasis gets added to live servers, but for now let’s just enjoy this ride while it lasts.