Blizzard released a really cool new epic skin for Mei. The only problem is that players can’t see what her skin looks like because she’s been temporarily taken out of the game.
Mei has been missing since Halloween, when Blizzard announced it would be “temporarily disabling” Mei to address a bug with her Ice Wall ability that allowed heroes to reach unintended locations. Mei mains were told they would have their ice queen back with the release of Overwatch 2’s November 15 patch update. However, that patch was delayed mere hours before it was supposed to launch yesterday to address a “critical issue.”
The new patch date is tomorrow, November 17.
“This delay also impacts the delivery of Overwatch League Viewership Incentives & Perks from the Postseason matches during the period between Oct 30-Nov 4, along with the rotation of cosmetics in the Overwatch League shop,” Craig Simpson, an Overwatch 2 community manager, wrote in the game’s official forums.“Thanks for your understanding, we’ll be working on releasing this patch as soon as possible. Follow our forums and socials at @PlayOverwatch for updates.”
Despite the delay, Overwatch 2 went ahead and released the new epic Mei skin, named Retro Star. Even if you purchase the skin by coughing up $10.00 or using OW2’s in-game currency, you won’t be able to see how the skin looks in action with Mei’s emotes and play-of-the-game cinematics because she isn’t currently in the game.
It’s a shame because this new skin is arguably one of the cooler outfits in the character’s wardrobe. Aside from giving Kirby vibes with its rainbowcore aesthetic, Retro Star has the added bonus of having a pulsating rainbow light on the front of her jacket.
Kotaku reached out to Blizzard for comment.
Saying things haven’t been going too well for Overwatch 2 would be an understatement. Since its launch last month, the hero shooter suffered from two DDoS attacks, the disastrous launch of its phone authentication system, and the removal of heroes to address bugs, just to name a few oopsies. Hopefully the return of Mei’s chilling presence in tomorrow’s delayed patch update will spell an upswing for the troubled hero shooter.