It’s Kotaku XP, our weekly video discussion of hot Kotaku topics! This week, Kotaku’s Gita Jackson and I talked about the Nintendo Switch Online announcements, the Fortnite Avengers crossover, the Met Gala, that cool Battlefield 1 Easter egg, and our favorite Video Moms. Here’s an excerpt: Gita: Who’s your favorite video game mom? Tim: When you say video game mom do you mean “Video Mom”—who’s my favorite Video Mom? Gita: I suppose I do. Tim: I like the mom in Mother—Earthbound. [HOURS LATER] Tim: Who’s your favorite Video Mom? Gita: I never know what to say when I think about this. It always takes me so long to think about a Video Mom. Because so many of them in video games are dead. Tim: Oh, yeah. Gita: I mean, right now, I’m playing God of War pretty much, exclusively. And guess what? Don’t got a mom in that one. Tim: Yeah, she’s dead before the… god darn camera fades up! Gita: You know, the whole game is about how much they love their mom so maybe it’s like a Mother’s Day game anyway? Tim: Yeah, there’s a—quite a bulk of the conversations in that game are about the mom. Gita: Lovin’ the mom! Tim: [In a little boy voice] Mom’s cool! I liked mom! Mom took me hunting! Gita: Jason was talking about all his favorite JRPG moms this morning in Slack. Suikoden V has a cool mom— [HOURS LATER] Tim: Chrono Trigger, he’s got a mom, who wakes him up in the morning. “Wake up, sleepyhead.” Lucca’s mom in Chrono Trigger figures really heavily into a cutscene. That’s a good mom. Gita: Great, well, you should— Tim: However, she gets her legs ripped off by a machine. Spoilers if you haven’t played Chrono Trigger. Gita: That’s a really sad ending for that mom. Tim: So you know she’s, uh, a dismembered mom. Or is it dismombered? Gita: Holy shit. Tim: Let’s not talk about this. Gita and I were not able to think of too many (living) video game moms off the top of our heads, so this is where we ask you to tell us about your favorite video game moms! This week, in the interest of color coordination, I zipped up my jacket so that Gita and I were both dressed in all black. What T-shirt lurks beneath my jacket? I will never say. You could subscribe to our YouTube channel, by the way. All our videos are on there, just for you!