It’s kinda fitting that the NBA’s All-Star Weekend was held in Chicago this year, because a couple weeks later it was also the setting for C2E2, one of the biggest cons of the year and a show that’s kinda become its own unofficial All-Star Weekend for cosplay.
Taking place Feb 28-Mar 1, C2E2 hosted the final of the Crown Championships of Cosplay, an international competition that attracts some of the most technical and impressive builds from all over the planet.
So not only were there loads of cosplayers just there hangin’ out and looking fabulous, but there was some amazing stuff on stage as well.

The Crown Championships winner was South Africa’s JinxKittie with her Priestess Bathory (above), while the runner-up was Houston’s Xephyr (bel0w) with a Moira that is just perfect from head-to-toe-to-Christmas-tree-back.
Below you’ll see photos of not just folks cosplaying for fun, but some of the Crown Championships entrants as well. As usual, all shots and video was shot by Mineralblu.