We won’t blow smoke in your ear by telling you that Buzzy Bee is the best Deviant in Once Human. It’s not. But it may be the most adorable, which counts for something, right?
Buzzy Bee is a unique Deviant that, despite its cutesy outward appearance, does have a use and may prove rather challenging to track down. It’s not a guaranteed spawn, so you must explore and farm early-game zones.
Here is where to find Buzzy Bee and how to capture it in Once Human!
Where to find Buzzy Bee

There’s only one zone to locate and capture Buzzy Bee in Once Human: Citrus County. It’s a low-level zone designed for players around level four or five and, as such, doesn’t provide much of a challenge should you venture here later on. You can clean up the streets of Gnawers with relative ease, then focus on the Buzzy Bee spawn, which will usually appear in the pumpkin field beside the farmhouse.
While you’re here, grab a few ears of corn. It’s one of the best spots to score the vegetable for your gardens back home!
Read More: How To Change Worlds And Play With Your Friends In Once Human
Anyway, Buzzy Bee! The spawn rate is surprisingly low, so you may need to clear the area, leave, and allow everything to respawn. There’s a trick some players use in which they change worlds and then revisit Citrus County. Some players claim it’s a sure thing. But in our experience, it’s not a guarantee.
How to capture Buzzy Bee

There are two ways to capture Buzzy Bee: You can either get fortunate and score one while looting corn, or, more likely, it will spawn in the pumpkin patch.
If it’s the latter, clear the immediate area of hostiles and then walk straight up to Buzzy Bee and hit “F.” You may not capture the Deviant on the first try, and that’s okay. You won’t lose anything but time. If you fail to capture Buzzy Bee, it will float away from you, but the chance of capture increases. Repeat the steps until the capture rate is above 60, then try again. It should be a guaranteed catch at 60%!
Now that you have the cutesy bee know that this is not a Deviant meant for combat. Buzzy Bee is at home, tending to gardens and nurturing crops, so leave it behind at your base. While you’re gone, it’ll float about and help your garden flourish. If you want Buzzy Bee to be happy, plant flowers and play music for Mood Boosters!