This week on Snapshots, big explosions in Ghost Recon, angry Star Wars people, a lonely little hat in Red Dead Redemption II, colorful fireworks in Mad Max and one really scary bear.
That Days Gone photo makes me want to go back and explore that world more and maybe also eventually beat that game. I also love seeing folks playing that Mad Max game from a few years back. It was gorgeous and fun!

RIP Arthur. You were taken from us too soon.
Kotaku Snapshots is a weekly look at some of the best, funniest and coolest screenshots players have taken in their favorite games.
If you have a cool screenshot you want to share with me I’m @Zwiezenz on Twitter. Or post your photos on Twitter using the hashtag #Ksnapshots. You can also email me. Please provide a screenshot, a name and the game’s title OR a link to the photo with that info.