Dig In | TOKYO, JAPAN: Sega's Toshihiro Nagoshi eating food as part of a promotional tie-up for the latest Yakuza PSP game. (Photo: GameWatchImpress)
Is This the Star of Assassin's Creed III? [Update]
Well, this is interesting. A Best Buy worker just emailed us two images snapped from their employee news section. One shows that Ubisoft will be unveiling Assassin's Creed III on March 5, and that there'll be pre-order bonuses to be had. More »
Why a Colonial Assassin's Creed Makes Complete Sense (and Sounds Awesome)
It's becoming increasingly likely that the next major instalment in the Assassin's Creed series takes place during the American War of Independence.
Which shouldn't be a surprise. More »
Meet The Chinese Guy Who Ripped Off Conan O'Brien
This is Da Peng. He is a Chinese variety show host, and he recently made his American television debut-for ripping off Conan O'Brien.
On a recent episode, Conan O'Brien showed how Da Peng's program, Da Pang Debade, totally copied Conan's opening animation. More »
Is Dragon's Dogma Capcom's Answer To Skyrim?
On Feb. 26th, at the Xbox 360 event in Akihabara, I got a chance to take a look at Dragon's Dogma, Capcom's upcoming game for the Xbox 360 and Playsation 3. More »
A Funny, Beautiful Lady Destroyed by an Evil Svengali?
While in college in Kyoto, Tomoko Nakajima was dubbed a beauty. She was even "Miss Campus" at her school's art festival. But Nakajima wasn't just a pretty face. More »
Turning Dollar Bills Into Works of Video Game Art
Reader Thayer likes to take legal tender and draw all over it. While that's technically illegal, we're going to hold off on reporting him to the authorities, because any man who turns Abe Lincoln into the Dovahkiin is OK in our books.
The shots you see are just some of his more gamey works; More »
Game Informer Accidentally Leaks Another Assassin's Creed III Image? [Update]
Only a few hours after we gave you the first look at what's likely to be Assassin's Creed III's new hero, website Game Informer appears to have accidentally displayed an image all but confirming its legitimacy.
The image, which seems to have gone up a little too early, has since been pulled down... More »
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