The House of Mario will be presenting a new installment of its iconic marketing broadcasts later this week, its first since the passing of CEO Satoru Iwata.
The Nintendo Direct videos changed the way that the video game giant communicated with their fans, becoming much-anticipated events unto themselves and spawning hundreds of hilarious memes. But Satoru Iwata was the smiling face of the broadcasts and his unexpected death temporarily put the future of Directs in doubt. Eager for news on what the company’s working on, enthusiasts have been clamoring for a new Direct for a while now and Nintendo recently announced that more would be on the way.
The next Direct happens at 2 p.m. PT/5 p.m. ET. There won’t be any news about the company’s in-development NX hardware or its mobile plans, though, and it remains to be seen who’ll be fronting the segments. In a way, this will be the first real look at a post-Iwata Nintendo and that—aside from all the game news sure to be delivered—is a major reason to watch.
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