You could call an attempt to launch a new video games magazine in 2016 a profound waste of time. Or, you could be like these guys, and call your new video games magazine A Profound Waste Of Time.
Smartly realising that about the only space left in the market for physical mags is to cater to the type of person who would still buy and respect a nice-looking physical product, APWOT is a magazine solely about essays and features, featuring pieces written by both games writers and notable game developers.
The first issue features stories written by people like Team Meat’s Tommy Refenes, Vlambeer’s Rami Ismail, Hotline Miami’s Dennis Wedin and Owlboy’s Adrian Bauer. It also looks wonderful.
The first issue is selling on Kickstarter for £15 (USD$18), which for something crafted outside of a publisher, with quality printing and nice art is actually not bad (I subscribe to a similar type of football magazine and the cost is about the same).