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New Amazing Spider-Man DLC Lets You Play as the Wall-Crawler’s Super-Villains

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Boy, was the Lizard ever annoying to fight in this summer's Spider-Man movie tie-in game. You, like me, may have wondered what it might be like to have all that reptilian power at your disposal. New DLC packs will let play as Spider-Man's arch-villain and his co-creator, too.

Four separate packs will hit today, including the Rhino Challenge Pack and Stan Lee Adventure Pack that let you control the giant, horned bad guy as he rages through city as well as letting one of Marvel Comics' chief architects swing through the Big Apple. Those extras were previously pre-order bonuses. Along with those two add-ons, players can also get DLC that lets them crawl as the Lizard as he battles against Oscorp robots or play retro-styled arcade games on Spidey's smartphone. Individually, the DLC packs cost $3.99 for the Lizard and Stan Lee packs or Rhino and Oscorp packs are $2.99 each. You can grab them all for $9.99 on PlayStation Network or Steam. (Sorry, Xbox Live; no deals for you.) If you haven't traded the game in yet, that is.