Most of us like to think that we’re good people. But if you picked up something worth millions in your local currency, it’s pretty unlikely that you’d give it back to its owner. Yet that’s exactly what one Neopets player did when they found a Wand of the Darkest Faerie.
The Wand of the Darkest Faerie is an item that any Neopets player can theoretically obtain. In practice, it’s extremely expensive and difficult to do so. If you don’t have the neopoints (NP) to buy it from another player, you can only get it from completing Jhudora’s Bluff. This is a minigame where the NPC requests an item and gives you a set amount of time to obtain it. Jhudora starts off asking for junk items, then her requests get progressively more expensive. She will even ask for items that are unavailable on the market—these must be purchased from other players.
Redditors have calculated that it costs an average of 40 million NP to successfully obtain the Wand of the Darkest Faerie. It’s a difficult quest that involves a lot of risk, since her items are completely random. If you fail to return with the item in time, the entire quest resets. If you’re unlucky enough to be tasked with a pricey stamp, you could lose millions of NP.
Unfortunately, something worse happened. A player who goes by “alexgag” accidentally donated it on January 13. He was trying to buy the wand from a different Neopets user, who asked for millions in shop purchases as part of the exchange. His inventory filled up quickly as he purchased items, and he donated the wand to clear out more room. Of course, he hadn’t realized that the seller already sent him the wand as part of the exchange. The Wand of the Darkest Faerie ended up being donated alongside the shop items. This meant the wand was donated to the Money Tree where any one of the millions of Neopets players could obtain the wand. Most of the items found at the donation center are worthless junk, but some do-gooders try to fill the Money Tree with genuinely useful gifts to new players.
After posting about his tragedy on Reddit, many people tried to help alexgag regain his Wand of the Darkest Faerie. The community scouted the Money Tree for the elusive item, but no one seemed to have any luck. Finally, a streamer named Andrés Ortiz picked it up from the Money Tree soon after.
Ortiz saw alexgag’s post on Reddit and realized that its owner wanted the wand back. No one would have any way of knowing that he obtained the wand, but he decided to give it back anyway. Damn, what a good dude. Many Neopets users were so moved by this act of charity that they donated pricey “consolation prizes” to Ortiz. It’s a feel-good story all around.