Not much time to run through last week’s stories. Using fewer words this time.
- Why There’s An Xbox One Game Stuck To My Ceiling | Spiders bad, Mike Fahey’s writing funny.
- Hacker’s MMO Character Publicly Stripped, Killed & Banned | Place this Nathan Grayson article in the “Is This Appropriate Justice?” category alongside this. Or in the “Crazy Shit Happening In The Communities of Popular Games” alongside this and this. Good company, either way.
- The Worst Strategy Guide Ever Made | Dangerously superlative Jason Schreier headline justified by... wow, what were they thinking???
- Why World of Warcraft Lost So Many Subscribers | Solid news analysis by someone who gets the game; Gergo Vas doesn’t waste your time.
- The Start of the Next Marvel Universe Is... What the Hell Is Going On? | Evan Narcisse knows his comics, true believers!
Five already? Damn these self-imposed constraints!
Best GIF we published last week: Gun that shoots cars...
To contact the author of this post, write to or find him on Twitter @stephentotilo. Top image from the post I was most proud of this week, my critique of Nintendo’s love for selling plastic; image by SamWoolley.