Although some fans have worried about the fatality-filled series’ latest entry, Mortal Kombat 1’s Khaos Reigns addition has introduced a lot of new content, through a free update and a paid expansion (albeit with a much-maligned story mode). One notable inclusion is the return of the Animality finishers—special final moves that see your fighter turn into an animal, before violently killing your opponent.
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They have all the makings of a great finisher, by being incredibly creative and disgustingly brutal. However, just like fatalities, it can be a pain to remember their notations when playing online against your friends. We’ve got you covered with a breakdown of every Animality and their correct inputs, to keep by your side.
How to Perform an Animality
Animalities haven’t been seen since the Mortal Kombat 3 games, when they were a lot tougher to perform. Here, they work the same way as fatalities—you perform a quick series of inputs at the end of the match with the “Finish Them” screen.
If you need practice, I can confirm that they work in the Fatality Training mode. Enter the pause menu and you’ll be able to see exactly how to perform them as well.
Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns Animality Input List

You can find the notations for every character’s Mortal Kombat 1 Animality below, based on the Xbox controller buttons. In addition, I’ve also listed the animals the fighters turn into and more precise descriptions for correct spacing. Although each one is listed as having a mid-spacing requirement, they’re all far more lenient.
It’s worth noting that this list currently covers characters up to the first half of Kombat Pack 2. The last three in the pack are all guest fighters that we assume will be released individually over time. It stands to reason that they’ll roll out with Animalities, considering the guest fighters from Kombat Pack 1 were updated with these new finishers along with this huge update.
Ready? Here goes:
Ashrah - NetherRazzle
- Input: Back, Forward, Down, A
- Range: Mid-Far. A majority of these finishers fall into this category. If you want a more precise explanation, you can trigger it anywhere on the screen as long as you’re about a backdash away from your opponent.
Ashrah turns into a Winged Unicorn to stab her opponent and breathe rainbow fire at them. It’s arguably one of the best Animalities on this list.
Baraka - Tranquil Demise
- Input: Back, Down, Down, Y
- Range: Mid-Far
If you’ve ever wondered how scary a gigantic Porcupine with equally giant quills would be, here’s your answer.
Cyrax - Buzz Kill
- Input: Forward, Back, Forward, Back
- Range: Anywhere. The first three Kombat Pack 2 fighters can trigger their animalities anywhere on the screen. We’ll have to wait and see if the remaining fighters also have this slight privilege.
As a yellow-themed cyborg who can use a buzzing saw, it makes sense for her to turn into a buzzing Yellowjacket. This is one of the easiest to land since it can be performed from anywhere.
Ermac - We Are Locusts
- Input: Down, Back, Down, Back
- Range: Mid-Far
Nothing is more fitting to represent a vessel of multiple souls than a horde of hungry Locusts.
General Shao - Bear Necessities
- Input: Back, Down, Down, B
- Range: Mid-Far
Someone had to get a Bear, and it was General Shao. Trigger this to see a very well-modeled Bear horrifically murder someone.
Geras - Hippo-Kritical
- Input: Back, Forward, Down, Forward
- Range: Mid-Far
- Animal: Hippo
One of the most dangerous animals in the world certainly deserves to be featured. Geras transforming into a hungry, hungry Hippo was one of the first Animalities to be revealed.
Read More: Mortal Kombat Is Bringing Back Bloody Animalities 29 Years Later: Here Are 6 Of Them
Havik - No Laughing Matter
- Input: Back, Down, Down, A
- Range: Mid-Far
- Animal: Hyena
Whether it’s an anarchist version or a lover of chaos, there’s no denying that Havik meshes well as a Hyena.
Homelander - Let Freedom Wing
- Input: Back, Forward, Down, B
- Range: Mid-Far
- Animal: Griffin
Superheroes deserve a bit extra, which is why Homelander turns into an Americanized Griffin. Don’t worry though, it still has his laser eyes.
Johnny Cage - Open The Beaches
- Input: Back, Forward, Back, Forward
- Range: Mid-Far
- Animal: Shark
Johnny Cage is all about movie references, and his Animality allows him to embody Jaws as a Shark. It’s not the most brutal finisher, but the setup and reference are top-tier.
Kenshi - Wolf It Down
- Input: Down, Down, Down, X
- Range: Mid-Far
- Animal: Wolf
Kenshi and his ancestor within Sento turn into Wolves before viciously tearing their prey apart.
Kitana - Royal Nectar
- Input: Down, Down, Forward, Down
- Range: Mid-Far
- Animal: Hummingbird
A Princess of Outworld ought to turn into a pretty animal, which is why her Animality is a terrifyingly large Hummingbird. Her poking the opponent until they turn into a flesh-flower-blood-fountain is pretty cool.
Kung Lao - Ti-Gore
- Input: Forward, Back, Down, Y
- Range: Mid-Far
- Animal: Tiger
Kung Lao transforms into a tiger that bites off faces and rips out spines.
Li Mei - UnBearable
- Input: Down, Back, Down, X
- Range: Mid-Far
- Animal: Panda
If you thought we were done with bears, you were thankfully wrong. Li Mei becomes a giant panda that just wants to sit down and enjoy a human arm snack.
Liu Kang - Rising Phoenix

- Input: Down, Back, Down, Y
- Range: Mid-Far
- Animal: Phoenix
It might feel strange for Liu Kang to not be a dragon, but turning into a Phoenix makes sense for this god.
Mileena - Maneater
- Input: Forward, Down, Down, B
- Range: Mid-Far
- Animal: Orchid mantis
Just like her sister, Mileena transforms into a pretty animal for a vicious kill. Animal Crossing won’t feel the same after you see a giant orchid mantis chew through someone’s head.
Nitara - Bat’s All, Folks
- Input: Forward, Down, Down, A
- Range: Mid-Far
- Animal: Bat
Not all of these can subvert expectations. Nitara stays true to herself by becoming a gigantic bat.
Noob Saibot - See You Later…
- Input: Back, Down, Back, Down
- Range: Anywhere
- Animal: Alligator
Similar to Kenshi, Noob Saibot’s Animality features an animal and a spectral copy. Fans of the character’s Make a Wish fatality from Mortal Kombat (2011) will love this reenactment with two alligators.
Omni-Man - Hail Mary
- Input: Forward, Back, Forward, Down
- Range: Mid-Far
- Animal: Kaiju
Straight from the Invincible series, Omni-Man becomes Hail Mary, the large kaiju monster that serves as an actual threat to him.
Quan Chi - T-Rekt
- Input: Back, Down, Down, B
- Range: Mid-Far
- Animal: T-Rex
Quan Chi puts his own spin on the necessary dinosaur appearance by turning into a skeletal tyrannosaurus rex.
Peacemaker - Proud To Be Eagly-merican
- Input: Back, Forward, Back, Down
- Range: Mid-Far
- Animal: Eagle
Peacemaker manages to be even more patriotic than Homelander. He becomes a gun-toting eagle and works with Eagly to finish off his opponent.
Raiden - Eelectrifying
- Input: Down, Back, Down, B
- Range: Mid-Far
- Animal: Eel
One of two Animalities to be used by the same fighter from Mortal Kombat 3, Raiden transforms into a thematically appropriate electric eel.
Rain - Allergic Reaction
- Input: Forward, Back, Down, Back
- Range: Mid-Far
- Animal: Pufferfish
In another case of an animal being too damn big, Rain turns into a pufferfish and expands inside his opponent. Could be worse—could have been a The Boys character.
Reiko - Ram-page
- Input: Forward, Down, Down, X
- Range: Mid-Far
- Animal: Ram
Just like the headstrong jobber he is, Reiko morphs into a ram and keeps charging forward.
Reptile - Feed Me, Syzoth
- Input: Down, Down, Back, B
- Range: Mid-Far
- Animal: Er, venus flytrap?
Fans of Little Shop of Horrors will love Reptile becoming a large venus flytrap that needs to feed.

Scorpion - Does It Sting?
- Input: Forward, Down, Down, B
- Range: Mid-Far
- Animal: Scorpion
The spear-throwing ninja of the series was absent in the initial third entry, with another character turning into a scorpion for their Animality. Mortal Kombat 1 makes things right by having him transform into his animal namesake.
Sektor - Horn To Be Wild
- Input: Back, Forward, Back, Forward
- Range: Anywhere
- Animal: Rhino
Sektor becomes an unstoppable rhino that gores and drags its prey away before smashing it to pieces.
Shang Tsung - With A Twissst
- Input: Forward, Back, Down, A
- Range: Mid-Far
- Animal: Cobra
In another instance of a returning Animality, Shang Tsung naturally ends up embodying a gigantic cobra once again.
Sindel - Terror-antula
- Input: Back, Down, Down, B
- Range: Mid-Far
- Animal: Spider
The scream queen transforms into an unnervingly gigantic spider. Thanks, I hate it.
Smoke - Killer Kong
- Input: Down, Forward, Down, RT
- Range: Mid-Far
- Animal: Gorilla
Smoke shows why you shouldn’t mess with a gorilla, by breaking his opponent in half through the jaw.
Sub-Zero - Mammoth Mash
- Input: Down, Forward, Down, Forward
- Range: Mid-Far
- Animal: Wooly mammoth
Sub-Zero brings ice-age vibes by turning into a very angry wooly mammoth.

Takeda - Ten-Tickles
- Input: Back, Forward, Back, Down
- Range: Mid-Far
- Animal: Octopus
In a likely reference to the Kove stage fatality in Mortal Kombat X, Takeda becomes a giant octopus that drags its prey into the water.
Tanya - Kills R Us
- Input: Down, Back, Down, Back
- Range: Mid-Far
- Animal: Giraffe
Last, but certainly not least, is Tanya morphing into a giraffe and repeatedly slamming the opponent onto the ground.
Whether you’re trying to disrespect your friend online, or want to look cool and land the finisher without pausing the game, come back to this Mortal Kombat 1 Animality list anytime you need a refresher. These are some of the best-looking and most creative fatalities added yet, so it would be a waste to not use them.