Three Things We Learned From The Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Demo
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More Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth & Dragon's Dogma 2 Tips, You're Welcome

More Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth & Dragon's Dogma 2 Tips, You're Welcome

We also threw in a Stellar Blade demo tip for you, as well

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Image: Capcom, Capcom, Capcom, Screenshot: Square Enix / Claire Jackson / Kotaku, Square Enix / Claire Jackson / Kotaku, Bethesda / Claire Jackson / Kotaku, Sony / Shift Up / Kotaku, Square Enix / Claire Jackson / Kotaku, Sony / Team Ninja / Kotaku, Capcom / Kotaku

Of course we’ve got more Final Fantasy 7 Rebirht tips and tricks for you this week—it’s a big ass game, and there’s a lot to get through. If you’re confused about its menus or just need a little bit of help to reach Party Level 10, we have got you covered. We’ve also figured out where the hell Dragon’s Dogma 2's clock has been hiding, and helped you sickos figure out how to play Stellar Blade the sort of NSFW way.

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A beastren knight standing in front of mountains
Image: Capcom

It’s easy to lose track of time in Dragon’s Dogma 2. There is simply so much to do in Capcom’s action RPG. One minute you are waking up at the inn ready to start your long hike to the next town, and the next thing you you got lost on a detour through a cave system, it’s nighttime, and you’ve let an entire day pass you by. That time loss isn’t great when some quests require you to show up at designated times or run the risk of failing them. Most players, me included, might wonder how you can actually tell time in the game beyond the movement of the sun. Well, it turns out there is a clock in Dragon’s Dogma 2 and it’s probably been staring you in the face. - Willa Rowe Read More

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Barret holds up a fist as he looks off to the distance while standing on a beach.
Screenshot: Square Enix / Claire Jackson / Kotaku

Epic RPG Final Fantasy VII Rebirth doesn’t just have individual levels for characters, it also has something called Party Level. Maxing out at Level 10, Party Level influences how much of your character Folios (which grant new abilities and stat boosts) you can unlock. - Claire Jackson Read More

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Tifa and Aerith have a look of confusion while a set of menu options for reseting side-quest progress floats in betwen them.
Screenshot: Square Enix / Claire Jackson / Kotaku

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth has 36 side-quests littered across the planet’s surface. And once you finish the main story for Square Enix’s massive RPG, you can choose whether to reset these quests or not. The only tricky part, of course, is that Rebirth’s menu options have some confusing language. - Claire Jackson Read More

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The sole survivor wears power armor while talking to someone off camera.
Screenshot: Bethesda / Claire Jackson / Kotaku

Bethesda’s open-world RPG Fallout 4 arrived on PC, Xbox One, and PS4 on November 10, 2015. Given that it’s nearing ten years old and is vast enough to easily take up well over a hundred hours of your time, it’s entirely possible that you may have fallen off this title too soon. - Claire Jackson Read More

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Stellar Blade protagonist Eve says "No" twice while her squadmates get massacred off-screen in the PS5 demo's opening sequence.
Screenshot: Sony / Shift Up / Kotaku

The Stellar Blade demo has been out since March 29, and if you manage to beat it, your save data will carry over to the full game when it launches as a PlayStation 5 exclusive on April 26. One thing I was curious about was the “Skin Suit,” an outfit for protagonist Eve that basically has her traversing the world in the nude and makes the game way more challenging. Surprisingly, at least in the demo, it’s an incredibly easy thing to unlock, so since I just learned how to get it, I figured I’d teach you how to get it, too. Sharing is caring, after all. - Levi Winslow Read More

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Odin slashes a beam of energy at the screen against a sparkly background.
Screenshot: Square Enix / Claire Jackson / Kotaku

Final Fantasy is a series that’s been known for its epic summons, god-like entities who’ll aid you in battle. Rebirth introduces a number of classics who you can acquire by defeating them in Chadley’s combat simulator. One of which is Odin, who is notoriously able to swiftly end fights with just one attack. Fittingly, he can do this to your party when you try to defeat him in order to claim his summon materia. - Claire Jackson Read More

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My Rise of the Ronin character battles against Nioh protagonist William Adams, aka the Blue-Eyed Samurai.
Screenshot: Sony / Team Ninja / Kotaku

Over 60 hours into Rise of the Ronin and I still haven’t discovered everything that Team Ninja’s latest open-world samurai adventure game has to offer. And now, outside of all the cats to collect and fugitives to kill, there’s another secret connected to Nioh that I only just came across. That’s right: William Adams, the protagonist of Nioh, is lurking in Rise of the Ronin. Here are the details, including where and how to find the “Blue-Eyed Samurai.” - Levi Winslow Read More

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A woman with black hair wears a red dress and holds a fan
Image: Capcom

One of the most interesting characters you can meet in Dragon’s Dogma 2 is Wilhelmina. As the proprietress of the Rose Chateau in Vernworth, she knows a lot of secrets about the other citizens dwelling within Capcom’s action RPG. She is also one of the game’s romanceable characters, but to see her whole story and win her heart, you’ll need to complete the quest Every Rose Has Its Thorn. That is, if you can trigger the quest to begin with. Here’s exactly how to start (and complete) Every Rose Has Its Thorn. - Willa Rowe Read More

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A boy named Rodge questions how he got in a cave during the "Prey for the Pack" side quest in Dragon's Dogma 2.
Image: Capcom

There are myriad side quests in Dragon’s Dogma 2. Many of them require you to channel your inner Sherlock Holmes, as Capcom’s latest high-fantasy RPG doesn’t always like showing you how to complete missions. One such quest is “Prey for the Pack,” which has an objective that demands a bit more critical thinking than you might expect. But don’t worry, here’s a quick guide on how to finish that mission. - Levi Winslow Read More

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Arendelle walks out of the void.
Screenshot: Capcom / Kotaku

Dragon’s Dogma 2’s pawns are your loyal companions, your classic RPG party, and also a health hazard thanks to the Dragonsplague illness that can result in the deaths of entire towns. They’re also a chatty bunch, constantly peppering your journey with banter, lore drops, and jokes as you run from one side of the map to the other. While those conversations can be helpful, as they offer you exposition and advice along the way, they can also get real repetitive and annoying. Have you ever felt like shutting them up for good? Well, good news: There’s a mod for that. - Kenneth Shepard Read More
