Dragon’s Dogma 2’s pawns are your loyal companions, your classic RPG party, and also a health hazard thanks to the Dragonsplague illness that can result in the deaths of entire towns. They’re also a chatty bunch, constantly peppering your journey with banter, lore drops, and jokes as you run from one side of the map to the other. While those conversations can be helpful, as they offer you exposition and advice along the way, they can also get real repetitive and annoying. Have you ever felt like shutting them up for good? Well, good news: There’s a mod for that.
If you’re tired of hearing that there’s a ladder on the opposite side of the map or being reminded that shopkeepers exist in the world and might want to buy your unused shit, the aptly titled ShutUpPawns mod on Nexus Mods lets you customize what the pawns will comment on. This way, you don’t have to miss out on everything, just the stuff that annoys you. This even extends to some non-dialogue interactions, such as your pawn giving you a high five after fights. I don’t know why you would deprive yourself of an endearing, team-building action, but to each their own.
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As PCGamer points out, you’ll have to install the REFramework modding tool to use ShutUpPawns, but what’s another modding tool on your PC compared to being able to hear your inner monologue again without being reminded about every ingredient you can pick up on the ground?
I love hearing my pawns chat, so none of this bothers me, though I wasn’t surprised to see some of the sillier lines—like the pawns’ obsession with pointing out ladders—quickly become a joke within the community. The mod I really want for pawns is one that would let me kiss them. You give me this incredible character creator to make the finest man I can, and don’t even let me give him more affection than a high five? Come on, Capcom.