Daisuke Ichihara, who helmed the successful Monster Hunter World expansion, has left Osaka-based game maker Capcom.
As of this September, 6.6 million copies of Iceborne have been sold worldwide, surpassing Street Fighter II on the NES and making it Capcom’s sixth-biggest seller ever. Previously, Ichihara directed Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate. He had worked in the game industry for 17 years.
However, in a recent interview with CG World, it was revealed that Ichihara is now employed at digital content creator ILCA (I Love Computer Art) in Kyoto. ILCA has brought its digital expertise to a range of games as well as anime. Besides working on games, developing real-time CG scenes, the company also works on television shows, promotional videos, and more.
“You only live once,” said Ichihara. “I’m a mid-career hire, and with the guidance of myself and others, I really want this young organization to grow.”
In case you missed Kotaku’s Iceborne review, you can read it right here.