Today on Highlight Reel we have tons of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare escapes, gonk droid sith, gunfighters, and much more! Watch the video then talk about your favorite highlight in the comments below. Be sure to check out, like, and share the original videos via the links below. Subscribe to Kotaku on YouTube for more! Catch up on all the episodes on the Highlight Reel Youtube playlist! Watch Dogs - Thank you mister train, very cool. - SmilingPinkamena Mordhau - big rock vs. little rock - Jaywilliam_C For Honor - Synchronized decapitation - XxYamiNoKagexX Star Wars Battlefront - I promised playable gonk droids - Dulana57 Red Dead Online - Sure the alligator bite hurt, but it was the stroke and heart attack that really finished me Modern Warfare - 4 kill knife kill search and destroy - Simon Vaillancourt Modern Warfare - hitbox port mw 2019 - hi im Hopeless Modern Warfare - I am not proud of this - Saviorzzz Modern Warfare - how to deal with campers in ground war - gabesooners Modern Warfare - “Gunfights don’t exist in Modern Warfare” - J Mow Pow Pow Modern Warfare - Sorry this roof is taken - Reece041297 Modern Warfare - scene from a michael bay movie - LonelyDroplet Modern Warfare - Played on a Noob account.... these were the type of players I was coming up against. - Mushman182 Modern Warfare - The Most Powerful Weapon In Campaign - Generalkidd Modern Warfare - These callouts man... how did the devs miss this HUGE oversight? - nodnarbiter Modern Warfare - Black squares for smoke has invaded my screen - ryman230 Red Dead Online - master gunslinger - cGhOsTx Highlight Reel is Kotaku’s regular roundup of great plays, stunts, records and other great moments from around the gaming world. If you record an amazing feat while playing a game (here’s how to record a clip), send it to us with a message confirming that the clip is yours at Or, if you see a great clip around that isn’t yours, encourage that person to send it in!