Mods that turn a historical strategy game into Lord of the Rings are statistically proven to increase your enjoyment of that game by 17%, so I’m excited to see where this Middle Earth-themed take on Age of Empires III winds up.
Wars of Middle Earth has been in development for a few years now, and is getting through the work of replacing pikemen and cannons with Rohirrim and Uruk-hai.
The ultimate goal is to have 14 factions dragged over from Tolkien’s universe into the game: Angmar, Arnor, Dwarves, Goblins, Gondor, Harad, Isengard, Lindon, Lothlórien, Mirkwood, Mordor, Númenóreans, Rhûn, and Rohan.
Going has been slow, but it’s still going: we got a look at the dwarves from the Iron Hills this week. You can keep up with the project here.