Visually, this Minecraft map is nothing fancy, but it does demonstrate how the game could be used as a teaching tool.
The map’s the result of a collaboration between Marc Watson, who works at Mojang, and Dragnoz, a renowned Minecraft builder. Here’s Marc explaining the goal of their map:
This map is a simple demonstration of a possible new category of Minecraft maps: guided, in-game tutorials. The map shows build progress through step by step instructions, and you can even go back to a previous step! Using a resource pack, I’ve provided voiceovers so players can walk through the build as they listen to the reasoning for that step.
Keep in mind that this is simply a jumping-off point for a new kind of idea- obviously, most of us can build a square house, but please take it a step further and create your own! Maybe you’ve got a villager UI and voiceovers like this map, but maybe you just have pressure plates and text. The idea is to have mapmakers experiment with ways to teach and inspire new groups of creators.
Sounds useful—either, for example, as a way of teaching novice builders new tricks, or giving a neat behind-the-scenes look at some more complex builds.
You can check out the map download here or, if you just want to see what a voiced Minecraft tutorial looks like, you can watch my playthrough below:
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