Most will know Mike Patton from Faith No More. Many will also know Mike Patton from Tomahawk, and Fantomas, and other stuff, including that fantastic EP he did with the Dillinger Escape Plan. But lots of you guys, well, you'll also know him as a budding star in the "doing voices for games" field. Patton's lent his talents of late to games like The Darkness, Portal, Left 4 Dead and Capcom's upcoming Bionic Commando, and in this interview with The Onion's AV Club, talks a ton about the lot of them. Did you know, for example, Patton didn't really do the voices for Portal and left 4 Dead? He just did a single session with Valve, and they were able to use his animal/monster/growly noises across both games. Link to the whole piece is below, which is mostly game-related but with some music stuff there as well, a good read for game sound enthusiasts and Patton fans alike. Mike Patton [The AV Club] [Pic]
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