Sony's Jack Tretton says that dropping the price of the PlayStation 2 to $99 will bring new consumers to the PlayStation platform. Microsoft rolls its eyes.
Speaking to, Microsoft's VP of the Interactive Entertainment Business Chris Lewis dismissed Sony's announcement, suggesting that the key to staying competitive in the console market lay in developing the current generation consoles.
"This move from Sony at the end of the PS2's life cycle is not unexpected. We believe, however, that the future lies in the growth of current generation consoles and Xbox 360, as the fastest growing games console last year, with sales up over 80 per cent, will continue to drive the market.
Essentially this is the corporate equivalent of rolling your eyes and muttering "whatever", perhaps to cover abject relief over the fact that Sony didn't lower the price of the PlayStation 3, a move that really would have give Microsoft a run for their money.
Microsoft dismisses PlayStation 2 price cut []