Agent 47 is many things, but mainly a murderer. However, the eponymous hitman is also living a sartorial dream: everything looks amazing on him, all the time. Here’s a breakdown of some of his best disguises from the first season of 2016's Hitman.
Abel de Silva
This is about as good an approximation of what a hipster would wear I’ve ever seen. Somehow, instead of looking tacky, 47 looks great. And it should look tacky. This is a sleeveless floral shirt with multiple bracelets and Pharrell’s hat. It’s a whole lot of look. Maybe it’s Agent 47's steely gaze, maybe it’s his perfect cheekbones, or maybe it’s the knowledge that he can kill a man with a can of soup, but somehow, on him, it all pulls together.
Oscar Lafayette
47 looks downright sexy in this. Round glasses are an old fashioned, academic look, which fits, as Agent 47 has taken this outfit from his target’s therapist. The blazer with a turtleneck is a classic, an almost clichéd signifier of intellectualism, but what’s nice about this outfit is how it layers textures and colors. It’s a tweed jacket with a thicker knit, which gives the somewhat formless outfit a clearer shape, emphasizing his chest and shoulders. I also like that the browns don’t match—it’s a risky move, but it gives him more even definition between his legs and torso.
Helmut Kruger
I want to hate this mostly because it looks like a parody of high fashion designed by someone who doesn’t care or know much about it... but that coat is alright. It’s overdesigned, but it succeeds in what it sets out to do, which is be edgy. Sure, it doesn’t need to be knee length and also asymmetrical, but I do like its color, a midnight blue, and the shiny leather detailing. In motion, it looks pretty impressive.
Can we fire this make up artist though? Kinda looks like Agent 47 fell asleep in last night’s face.
What are your favorite looks from Hitman? Seriously, does that guy look bad in anything? He fills out a waiter’s uniform like I’ve never seen. Sound off in the comments.