Every man, his dog and his dog's pet rabbit have a "best of" list. This isn't one of those. This is Metacritic's "best of", meaning it was compiled not by fragile human subjectivity, but numbers.
Courtesy of MTV (who did the original legwork), then, here is the list of 2008's ten (well...fifteen, since it includes ties) best video games, as judged by a collection of games writers then mediated by the laws of mathematics.
1. Grand Theft Auto IV (98 - 360, 98 - PS3)
2. LittleBigPlanet (95 - PS3)
3. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (94 - PS3)
4. BioShock (94 - PS3) and Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 (94 - PS2)
5. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (93 - Wii) and Gears of War 2 (93 - 360)
6. Chrono Trigger (93 - DS) and Braid (93 - 360)
7. World of Goo (94 - Wii, 91 - PC / AVERAGE: 92.5)
8. Fallout 3 (93 - 360, 92 - PS3, 92 - PC / AVERAGE: 92) and Galactic Civilizations II: Twilight of the Armor (92 - PC)
9. Rock Band 2 (92 - 360, 91 - PS3 / AVERAGE: 91.5)
10. God of War: Chains of Olympus (91 - PSP) and World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (91 - PC)
Persona 4? World of Goo? Chains of Olympus? No complaining from anyone about that list, OK?
As a bonus, Metacritic is also obviously able to tell us what 2008's worst games were in the eyes of the critics.
1. SPOGS Racing (18 - Wii) and Pong Toss: Frat Party Games (18 - Wii)
2. Beauty Factory (22 - PC)
3. Homie Rollerz (23 - DS)
4. Jumper: Griffin's Story (28 - Wii) and Racing Team Manager (28 - PC)
5. Jumper: Griffin's Story (29 - 360) and Game Party 2 (29 - Wii), Beat'n Groovy (29 - 360)
6. George and the Jungle and the Search for the Secret (30 - PS2), Woman's Volleyball Championship (30 - PS2), Vampire Rain: Altered Species (30 - PS3), Ford Racing Off Road (30 - Wii) and Crazy Mouse (30 - 360),
7. Toy Shop (31 - DS) and Rapala Fishing Freanzy 2009 (31 - PS2)
8. Falling Stars (32 - PS2), Best of Tests DS (32 - PS2), Iron Man (32 - PC) and Code of Honor 2: Conspiracy Island (32 - PC)
9. Target: Terror (33 - Wii) and The Incredible Hulk (33 - PC)
10. Jackass: The Game (34 - PC) and King of Clubs (34 - Wii)
Glad Vampire Rain made the cut. There's two hours of my life I'll never get back thanks to that pile of shit.
The Top 10 Best Games Of 2008, According To Metacritic [MTV]
The Top 10 Worst Games Of 2008, According To Metacritic [MTV]