To: Crecente From: Ashcraft At 12:53pm Japan time today, our second child came roaring into this world. Last night, wife got the sign that the child was on the way, but her contractions were far enough apart that the hospital told us that we didn't need to come in until they were ten minutes apart. She wasn't really in any pain last night, spending her remaining hour or so at home reminding me what needed to be done at home Mini-Bash-wise while she was in the hospital. (In Japan, women stay at the hospital for a week after giving birth.) I, on the other hand, was worried that the baby might shoot out while we were sleeping or something and suggested going to the hospital. Was so impressed how calm and lucid she was during all of this. I, of course, was blithering yobhead. We did and crashed in her hospital room. She saw her doctor, underwent some tests. In the morning, she was still feeling okay-ish, so I took Mini-Bash to school and came back to the hospital. By 10:30am, after being at the hospital for over 12 hours, the contractions increased and by 12 noon she was in the delivery room. By 12:53pm, Micro-Bash was born. What's tomorrow, November 19th? Why, that's Mrs. Bashcraft's birthday. What you missed last night Did EA And The NFLPA Conspire To Lock 2K Out Of The Football Market? Guitar Hero World Tour Not Selling Like Guitar Hero III Did Fuel Your Preconceptions with This Deus Ex 3 Concept Art Halo MMO Was Originally Given The Green Light New Xbox Experience Going Out To Surprised Xbox 360 Owners Halo 3: Recon Has Sandbox Bits, Flashback Bits Super Smash Bros. Brawl Tops U.S. Best Sellers
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