Every Pokemon is interesting and worth talking about. I don’t play a ton of Pokemon, but I do enjoy the universe and I love learning more about the creatures in it. So, Here’s Another Pokemon! It’s Mawile!
Mawile Details
Type: Steel/Fairy
Average Height: 2' 00"
Average Weight: 25.4 lbs.
First Added In Generation III
I’ll just say it now, to get it out of the way. Mawile is a terrible looking Pokemon. The big mouth is cool, but the little, weird body it is attached to doesn’t look interesting at all. It looks like a leftover design that got stitched to a giant jaw. Sorry Mawile, at least you have a cool gimmick. You see, Mawile uses that small, little body to trick predators or prey into getting close. They assume it’s just a tiny Pokemon, nothing to worry about. Then Mawile turns around and CHOMP! Its second mouth is so big it can eat most things in a single bite.
That smaller body must be incredibly strong. Think about how heavy that big second mouth must be and how Mawile just carries it around like no big deal. I complain when I grab too many grocery bags and I have to imagine that giant second skull is heavier than some milk, eggs and cereal boxes. It almost feels like Mawile should be bigger after living for a few years. Like all that working out and carrying around a big second head should make Mawile get jacked like they are getting ready to film a Marvel movie.

While that second mouth might look like a second head, it doesn’t have a brain or eyes. In fact, according to Pokedex entries found on Bulbapedia, it is actually a series of horns that have evolved into these giant jaw-like appendages. Please do not share any horny jokes in the comments below. Thank you.
That big mouth might not have a brain, but it also doesn’t have any tastebuds. And Mawile will actually use this to its advantage. If it needs to eat food it doesn’t like, it can just turn around and chomp it down with its second mouth. Imagine how much healthier we could all be if we had a second mouth that didn’t have taste buds. I would eat a bit of candy or pizza and then use my other mouth to chomp away on salads and other healthy foods.
Favorite Fan Art

I like this art for two reasons. Reason number one, it is cute and nice. Reason number two, it isn’t filled with nudity and sex. I’m not a prude, but I do try to keep stuff somewhat safe for work around here, at least when it comes to images. And some weeks this is easier than others. Mawile has some really...dedicated artists and fans, it seems.
Random Facts
- Mawile has a Mega Evolution from that gives it TWO big mouths on the back of its head.
- According to Bulbapedia, Mawile can chew through steel beams with its massive secondary mouth. Mawile can’t melt steel beams, but it can sure as shit rip them apart.
- When it is in its Mega Mawile form it has the highest Attack stat of any Pokémon, with a maximum of 678. So, I want to apologize for making fun of how you look earlier, Mawile.
Best Comment From Last Week
What was up with all the birds in Gen V being absolute dumbasses?
-InvadingDuck | Zachary D Long
I mean, this is just them bringing real-world science into the games. Birds are just dumb. I used to have a parrot and yeah, it could say stuff like “I love you.” But it also tried eating ceiling tiles. Birds are dumb.
Here’s Another Pokemon is a weekly look into one Pokemon and how weird, disturbing, silly, or cool it is and why. Catch new entries each weekend and click here to see all of the past Pokemon we have covered.