Each role has a purpose in Marvel Rivals. But many would agree that the Support-based Strategists are the most vital. No team will last long without someone to heal them and grant other buffs. So who to choose? Well, if you want to use one of the best support heroes in the game, you can’t go wrong with Luna Snow.
Read More: Marvel Rivals’ Support Heroes, Ranked From Worst To Best
While it’s easy to pick up and play her, mastering this K-Pop sensation of a hero is something else entirely. Her straight-forward kit has a lot of interesting quirks that enable them to mesh well together and excel in specific-use cases. Understanding how to make the most of her tools is key to keeping yourself and the rest of your team in the fight.
Healing is your priority, but don’t forget to dish out some damage too
Luna Snow’s ease of use and fantastic healing are the primary reasons why she’s considered a top Strategist. While everyone loves a healer who can keep the team in top shape, that doesn’t mean Luna is a one-trick pony. Her low damage is offset by burst-fire hitscan shots that can potentially shred an opponent with a small health pool. I’m not advising that you play her like a DPS (damage-per-second) hero, but there is nothing wrong with dealing damage alongside your team when you have the ability to. Aside from potentially eliminating an enemy, it’s an ideal way to charge up your Ultimate.
Prioritize Idol Aura for flankers or emergency Burst Healing
One of Luna’s most interesting abilities is Share The Stage. This marks an ally with Idol Aura, which grants them a portion of the healing that Luna is providing to others. My suggestion is to put this on any teammate who’ll be flanking the enemy since you won’t have line-of-sight. Spider-Man, Venom, and Psylocke should all be top of mind to give Idol Aura too. Don’t be embarrassed about needing to give it to an Iron Man either, depending on how erratic they’re flying around.
The other aspect that makes this ability amazing is that Luna will generate 35-percent bonus healing if her target is an ally she marked with Idol Aura. If one of your Vanguards is close to death, throw Idol Aura on them and then heal like normal. That bonus will make a major difference and have them in a safer range of health before you know it. Just remember to switch back to a flanker afterward!
Absolute Zero can halt momentum and even some Ultimates
It wouldn’t feel right for an ice-based character to not have a freezing crowd-control ability. Fulfilling that role is Absolute Zero, which emits a large projectile that will freeze an enemy for 2.7 seconds. The effect will cancel out if the target is attacked after the initial 0.5 seconds of being frozen. While this likely exists as a buffer to allow them to be frozen for even a short amount of time, Luna’s primary attack is a three-round burst-fire that comes out in 0.5 seconds. Letting loose with a few shots after throwing out the Absolute Zero projectile is a smart way to maximize damage.
You’ll ideally want to use this against any flankers attacking you or to keep any annoyingly nimble characters still so you can score some headshots. Targeting an Ulting enemy is an excellent use for the ability, as it can interrupt or, in some cases, completely cancel an ultimate. Feel free to use this even more liberally if you’re the sole healer on the team, since it is one of two abilities that provides self-healing at a rate of 30 HP/s for three seconds. It’s certainly better than nothing.
Focus on healing with Ice Arts
Two obvious drawbacks for Luna are that she requires great aim and can’t usually heal multiple characters at once. If you have crap aim like I do, this can be a pretty big barrier. Making up for that is the Ice Arts ability, which temporarily replaces her primary fire with long-range beam shots. Although the higher DMG and healing values are less effective due to the much lower firing rate, the beam has a sizable hitbox and can pierce teammates and enemies alike. It will also turn back into the normal primary fire with full ammo, so you can use this as a free reload of sorts.
The big takeaway here is not how great the ability is. While you can deal damage with these beams, it’s better to use them for healing. A notable downside to the Ice Arts ability is that landing any headshots won’t score you a critical hit. Being able to line up multiple enemies with a single shot can also be pretty situational. I strongly suggest using Ice Arts when your teammates are grouped up and in need of heals. That being said, just like Absolute Zero, this ability also provides self-healing. Don’t be afraid to use it if you’re in dire need of health.
Save your Ultimate for dicey situations

Luna’s Ultimate is considered the most OP (overpowered) for good reason. For an unnecessarily long twelve seconds, she can swap between empowering allies around her with a 40% damage boost or healing them at a rate of 250 per second. That healing rate is enough to survive the harshest onslaughts and attacks outside a Scarlet Witch or Iron Man Ultimate. Save this move for when your team rushes to take over a point or situations where you’re struggling to defend against your opponents. It’s a ridiculous ability and I hate dealing with it when the opposing team uses it. However, I also love it when I get to use it, so I guess I’m part of the problem.
Make use of Iron Fist’s team-up attack if you have it
Luna is one of the few characters who is a part of multiple team-up abilities. The one worth highlighting here is Frozen Chi, an ability she gains when teaming up with Iron Fist. Using it will discharge an icy ring that heals allies while also knocking back enemies and applying a slowing effect. It’s a fantastic addition to her kit that doubles as both another crowd control ability and area-of-effect healing.
Keep the above tips in mind and you’re sure to be the Marvel Rivals healer that everyone deserves. You might start to earn the coveted MVP and SVP titles more often too.
Marvel Rivals is available as a free-to-play game for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and Windows.