As a Dualist, Moon Knight is a glass cannon, able to dish out tons of damage in the right circumstances, but not able to take much himself. Your job is to find sneaky places to wait, set up Ankhs near enemies, then throw ricocheting darts to deal lots of damage to vulnerable targets like enemy Strategists and Dualists. Anywhere enemies are grouped up, it’s your time to shine.
What are Moon Knight’s Abilities?

Crescent Dart (Primary Attack - Left Click / Right Trigger) - Your primary attack. Darts can bounce between enemies and Ancient Ankhs, dealing damage multiple times to nearby enemies.
Hand of Khonshu (Ultimate - L3+R3) - An incredibly powerful ultimate ability. Opens a portal to Khonshu. The god rains down blows on enemies underneath (and even slightly outside) the circle. Fantastic synergy with Groot’s ultimate, which gathers enemies together for maximum damage, and a fun way to counter some defensive ultimates (Invisible Woman, etc.).
Night Glider (LB) - If you are slightly higher than a single jump into the air, you can hold this to glide long distances as you descend. Use in conjunction with Rising Leap and Moonlight Hook to explore the map and find the ideal place to strike at enemies.
Ancient Ankh (Right Click / RB) - The lynchpin of Moon Knight’s incredible damage potential, the Ankh can be placed on any solid surface, including floors, walls, and ceilings. Place this somewhere enemies will not see it, but still near to them, for maximum effect. Shoot Crescent Darts and Moon Blade at enemies, or at the Ankh itself, and it will ricochet to nearby enemies, dealing damage to entire groups of enemies. As long as you can keep them active, you’ll melt nearby lower-health enemies almost instantly.
Moonlight Hook (B / Circle) - A grappling hook which anchors on solid surfaces, slingshotting Moon Knight up and forward for extra travel distance. Use Night Glider afterwards to glide to safety, or to a ledge where you can attack enemies secretly.
Triple Eclipse (R3) - A three-hit melee combo, the third hit knocking enemies into the air. Useful for interrupting certain enemy abilities or moving enemies away from defensive positions.
Rising Leap (A / Cross) - A double jump, which makes it easier to reach ledges or use Moonlight Hook to escape danger or attack from odd angles.
Moon Blade (LT) - Moon Knight’s single most damaging ability, outside his Ultimate, Moon Blade is on a short cooldown, and you should use it whenever it’s available. Place an Ankh and immediately throw Moon Blade to deal solid damage to enemies before the Ankh can be destroyed, and throw into groups of enemies. Just keep in mind it has some travel time, so you’ll need to slightly lead enemies if they are moving around.
Full Moon (Team-Up Ability: Y / Triangle) - Teaming up with Cloak and Dagger gives Moon Knight another ability, which turns him invisible by creating a dark/light area around him.
How Should I Play Moon Knight?

Moon Knight is an excellent character when he goes unnoticed by foes. Finding a ledge behind enemies, or off to the side, placing ankhs behind enemy healers, and then taking them out quickly, can turn the tide of many battles.
Moon Knight has low health, and he isn’t great in close quarters, so your job will be staying out of trouble. Use your Rising Leap, Moonlight Hook, and Night Glider to escape and get to hard-to-reach places for enemies.

Use Hand of Khonshu on objective points where enemies are huddled up to get them to scatter or take severe damage, and set it up with a Groot ultimate beforehand to ensure they can’t leave, potentially wiping out an entire team in one swift stroke. One of the most damaging supers in the entire game, but you need to be alive to use it.
With all these tips in hand, you are prepared to become a true fist of Khonshu. Good luck!