Gazillion, the studio behind the embattled Marvel Heroes, has apparently been shut down today, with all staff laid off the day before Thanksgiving. As a result the game will also be closing early; originally due to end in December, it’ll now cease operations on Friday.
Multiple former employees have taken to Twitter to announce the layoffs, which come not long after Disney’s decision to “end [its] relationship” with the developer.
Making matters worse, ex-Gazillion staff are also reporting that they’re not even being paid their severance or PTO, and that their medical insurance will end next week.
Disney pulled the plug on the game last week, after issuing a statement that read:
We regret to inform our Marvel Heroes fans that we have ended our relationship with Gazillion Entertainment, and that the Marvel Heroes games will be shut down. We would like to sincerely thank the players who joined the Marvel Heroes community, and will provide any further updates as they become available.