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Mario Maker Contest: Short And Sweet

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“Brevity is the soul of wit.” This is a famous line written by some dude named Shakespeare. Anyways, what it basically means is the best Mario Maker levels don’t waste your time. They are short, sweet and creative. At least, I think that’s what he meant. Regardless, let’s make some short Mario levels!

Your challenge this week: Make the shortest Mario course you can think of, but try to make it fun too.


Theme - Short & Sweet / Short Stuff

Any theme or game style will work. Just try to keep it short and fun. But please make the levels more than just one jump and a flagpole. That is technically short, but I doubt it will get you mentioned in next week’s results post.


Also, I plan on doing more of these Mario Maker contests, but will probably do them every other week. These contests take more time than I expected and I don’t want to rush through these every week or burn myself out. So this schedule will help.

Next week I’ll pick some of my favorite courses and a winner.

How To Submit A Level — Instructions

1. Build a new course based on the challenge.

2. Name the level and please add “KotakuAND / OR the theme this week into the name of the level. Once that’s done, upload it in Super Mario Maker 2 for the Nintendo Switch.

3. Then post the course ID into the comments, along with the name of the level and any other info you want to include. PLEASE include the name of the course in the comments.