The scurvy dogs aboard the SS Lulz have raided Bethesda Softwork's servers after unsuccessfully trying to extort game info out of them. Ah well. They've also released a bunch of internal data from the US Senate's website for further giggling.
The Bethesda attack centered around FPS title Brink, from which LulzSec plundered over 200,000 user accounts. From there, they went straight at Bethesda:
After mapping their internal network and thoroughly pillaging all of
their servers, we grabbed all their source code and database passwords, which we proceeded to shift silently back to our storage deck.
The server data's out in the open, but Lulz is keeping the Brink user info private for now.
All of this because they wanted more information about Skyrim. I mean, I guess it looks pretty good, but, uh.
And then there's the Senate leak. The "small hack" of—which appears to be a dump of the site's root directory—is basically just a mammoth list of file names, including such crazy gems as "The_Senate_Chamber_Desks.htm" and "yellow_warbler.jpg." Nothing that will compromise national security, but an embarrassment to the government's ability to safeguard itself, for sure. And no mention of how they got in to begin with.
But why the US Senate? They don't have any information on Skyrim, do they? LulzSec explains:
We don't like the US government very much. Their boats are weak, their lulz are low, and their sites aren't very secure. In an attempt to help them fix their issues, we've decided to donate additional lulz in the form of owning them some more!
Oh, well alright. It's going to be a late night for a couple of IT teams in the DC area. [LulzSec]