The Pokémon Company has teased us with even more news about something Pokémon-related. The official Pokémon Twitter account tweeted around noon today:
"Heads up, Trainers! We've got a surprise for you! Tune in Monday at 8 a.m. PDT for a special announcement!"
With exciting news like Pokémon Bank and scads of other details about Pokémon X & Y already out in the wild, I wonder if this will even be related to the upcoming games, or if it's more franchise expansion. Alternatively, it could be that The Pokémon Company has decided that they have too much money and would like to announce a free-to-play Pokémon title.
No bad ideas in brainstorming, right? Any more plausible predictions?
Pokémon "Special Announcement" Coming On Monday [Siliconera]
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