South Korean toy company Blitzway has created the perfect accessory for its line of 12-inch premium original Ghostbusters figures. The sixth-scale Ecto-1 replica is over 40 inches long, more than big enough to fit all four figures and accessories. Also, it costs nearly $1,400 dollars.
Now before we go on and on about how expensive this is for a glorified toy, keep in mind that $1,390 is only the manufacturer’s suggested retail price. It’s up to individual retailers to set the exact number. For example, while Sideshow is sticking to the MSRP, Big Bad Toy Store has the Ecto-1 available for pre-order at $1,599. Considering the figures sell for $275 apiece, that’s proportional, I guess.
The Ecto-1 sports the same loving attention to detail as the figure line, which is pretty damn impressive to start with. It’s got 45 working LEDs, a rotating siren and a sound system for playing the iconic siren (as well as cutom audio via USB). It’s a beautiful thing.
And it’s a $1,390 to $1,600 thing. Fortunately the sixth-scale Ecto-1 isn’t slated to ship until early 2019, so there’s plenty of time to save up.