Sony dropped some impressive numbers regarding LittleBigPlanet today, the game that has "marked the coming of age of gaming as it moves into a new realm defined by creativity and community".
Words are nice, but numbers speak volumes. Nearly 2 million users have joined the LittleBigPlanet community since the game was launched back in November of 2008. Of course many of those users aren't actively creating, with only around 725,000 user-generated accounted for, but they certainly are a talky bunch, having left over four million comments on game levels, many of which are requests for more. Mark Hardy, Sony's European Marketing Director for Content and platforms, is understandably jubilant.
"LittleBigPlanet is giving people from every walk of life the opportunity to express themselves creatively. The game is just the start. This is Creative Gaming; never ending experiences that take on lives of their own through their players.
Wow. And here I just wanted to make my Sackboy look like a space bunny. I didn't realize I was part of a movement!