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Little Kid Tricked Out Of His PSP

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Twenty-six year old Takanori Osanai didn't have a job. He didn't have a permanent address. But he apparently had a plan to steal PSPs.

"My goal was to sell the PSP I swindled away," Osanai told authorities in Omiya in Saitama Prefecture, which is outside Tokyo.

On March 23 at around 2:15pm, Osanai approached a group of grade schoolers at a supermarket food court in Tokyo's Itabashi. Osanai introduced himself as a writer at a fictional comic magazine, presenting a business card to the group of kids.


One sixth grade boy was playing with a PSP. Osanai told the kid that he'd like the boy to play a brand new PSP game, but needed to borrow the sixth grader's portable. The kid handed over his machine, and Osanai supposedly made off with the machine.


According to reports of 5 or 6 similar swindles occurred in Tokyo from this past January. Police are now investigating to see if there is a connection.


新作ゲーム配信名目で、小学生からPSPだまし取る 容疑の無職男逮捕 [MSN産経ニュース] [Pic: Getty]