Square-Enix has just released no less than five trailers showcasing the locations of Lightning Returns. For a world that's about to be destroyed, there's quite a lot of amazing sights to be seen—so let's dive in!
Up above you can see the bustling streets of Yusnaan, the City of Revelry.
Here are the Wildlands, dotted with rolling, green hills, windmills, and of course, chocobos.
Luxerion, the Divine City of Light, in stark contrast to Yusnaan, has a far more subdued and calm look.
The Dead Dunes don't look as scary as their name would imply, especially at day.
And finally, here's the cold, science-y Ark, which will serve as Lightning's base of operations for the duration of the game.
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII is coming to PS3 and Xbox 360 on November 21 in Japan. In the West, the game lands next year on February 11 in the US, on the 13th in Australia, and on the 14th in Europe.
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